Founded in 2014, The People’s Voice ( is an American news publication committed to covering the headlines mainstream outlets shy away from.
Our team of writers from around the world deliver original reporting, political commentary, and entertainment to American and Western audiences. We choose to focus on conservative issues for our largely conservative audience who often tell us that other mainstream outlets are now too far to the left.
The People’s Voice’s reporting is read by over 5 million unique readers, most of whom are conservative Americans, each month through our highly-visited website.
The People’s Voice is a for-profit, independent news and entertainment website. We generate revenue via advertising. Decisions about what stories to cover are exclusively decided by our writers and editors.
While our job is to bring audiences the truth, we will occasionally make mistakes. When we do, we commit to correcting our errors in a timely manner. If you spot an error, please email us via We always issue major corrections at the top of the article. Minor corrections will be noted at the bottom of the article.