Mama van Nikki, Mart en Madelief
Mama vs Deep State gay-satanic Mafia
Openbaar Onderzoeker en Openbaar Aanklager, publicist Children’s Defense Force
Deep State Holland Investigations (pers: 0031-6-52428888)
Freedom Fighter against New World Order Globalism
Door Deep State NaZi’s geterroriseerde Mama tegen de Maffia
I am a Deep State mafia terrorized mother who just wants to live. Which deep state doesn't want me to. Sadism.
Besides the right to live -I was taken from everything- I want to be able to be a mother without being withhold from Human Rights. My kids and I prefer to be free humans without being kept hostage, stalked, threatened, intimidated each and everyday as we were and still are.
Wishing on a future in freedom for my children in stead of slavery, total control and mass murder according to the NaZi-Bilderberg Plan. Without slavery. Without dictatorship. Without satanism. Without terror.